GAME IMPROVEMENT TOOL – Use Your Smart Phone to Improve Your Score!

We all want to improve our score. It’s more fun when we have a lower score!  Well, have you ever wondered where you were losing shots? Do you know the strengths and weaknesses of your game? Sometimes we just need a simple tool to help us organize the information and then summarize it in an easy to read fashion. We also need it to be easily accessible via our daily devices. You know the ones, iPhone, Android, Blackberry etc.

There’s a program out there that helps you understand what is happening when you play so you can better focus your time when you practice. The other really fantastic thing is that it connects you with your instructor. They too will get a report on your round, see your trends, where you’re improving and what needs work. It makes for great teamwork in improving your game.

It’s called My Golf Game Plan and it was created by my friends at Eyeline Golf. They’re fantastic and do a great job creating training aids and programs to help you improve.

Click on the logo below to take a look. I think you’ll like what you see.

Game Plan

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